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EDUCATE THE ORPHANS  ETO NEWS FLASH FROM THARAKA! Kenyan Government Directive:  New Education Curriculum! “COMPETENCE BASED CURRICULUM.” The government have included our Muguna-anna schoolin this new initiative for their C.B.C. Programme.   In regard to this they have built a few new classrooms in some select schools, and they have requested that ETO put up […]

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ETO News Update: August 2022

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS  News Update - August 2022 Dear ETO Supporter. Livingstone, our ETO director in Kenya has provided us with an recent update on ETO's work, our farms and how inflation is affecting food prices in Kenya.  His report is below for you to read.  Hallow Hope you are fairing on well.  We are OK in Kenya […]

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ETO Update: June 2022

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS  Update - June 2022 THANK YOU Once again God turned up trumps, with ETO coffee morning being a fantastic success! We would like to thank all our friends and supporters for their wonderful generosity. We also want to thank all the fantastic ladies (and men) who so graciously gave up their Saturday […]

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ETO Update: April 2022

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS  Update - April 2022 Happy Easter to all of our ETO Supporters and Sponsors As we begin to think about and celebrate Easter, we remember the sacrifice, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus and thank God for the 'Good News' message Jesus brought to all those who trust in him. We also thank him […]

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ETO Update: Feb 2022

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS  Update - Feb 2022 Greetings to all our sponsors, and friends of Educate the Orphans!   Once again, we want to update you all about what is happening in Kenya, with our work there.  As you will see and read below, once again we are sincerely requesting your prayers for a desperate […]

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ETO Update: 2021 Review

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS  2021 Review Happy New Year to all our ETO Sponsors and Supporters. Dear ETO Supporter, I would like to take this opportunity at the start of 2022 to thank you for your prayers and continued support to the work of ETO.  We can only continue to do this work through Gods grace […]

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ETO Update: Nov/Dec 2021

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS            Nov/Dec Update MUGUNA ANNA HOST 16 SCHOOLS. In the middle of November our ETO school at Muguna-Anna hosted 16 primary schools, part of the teaching included Christian guidance and counselling at the bequest of the children. MAINTENANCE AT ETO MISSION HOUSE The old wooden door frames in our mission house […]

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ETO Update: October 2021

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS            October Update RESCUE HOUSE At the start of this year we told you about a harrowing situation in Kenya were hundreds of very young girls (some as young as 13 or 14) had become pregnant from incest, rape or from using their bodies to try to get food.  As a response to […]

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ETO Update: August 2021

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS            August Update RESCUE HOUSE During our last update we told you we had hoped to get our rescue house open by mid July.  Unfortunately this has not been possible as Coronavirus restrictions placed a curfew on all non essential workers in Kenya, limiting the time workers can be on site.   […]

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June / July Update 2021

EDUCATE THE ORPHANS            UPDATE: JUNE/JULY 2021 Update on Rescue house The house is almost at the roofing stage (see photos) and by this weekend we hope to be through with the trusses.  The Iron roofing sheets should be delivered today (Saturday 3rd July) for completion of the extern of the […]

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    • Account Name:  Educate the Orphans
    • Account Number: 09706034
    • Sort Code: 98-00-30
    • IBAN: GB96ULSB98003009706034
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