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Get Involved

How you can help?

ETO has developed under God's direction and blessing. Its only purpose is to glorify God by being obedient to His leading. Above all else therefore, we solicit your prayers.

  • Prayer 1. Prayer Holding the work before God (Sign up to our news letter to keep up to date with ETO's work and any situations requiring specific prayers)
  • Prayer 2. Sponsorship: The sponsorship of children is the main means of support adopted by ETO. If you can commit to £20 per month to sponsor a child that would help us to feed, educate and clothe that child. We also urgently need financial support of Kenyan Pastors and Teachers £25 a month.
  • Prayer 3. What can I do practically to help?

If you would like us to come and share with your church, or church group, please get in touch via email on


These may be practical or financial and may be for a specific project or to be used generally. Donations can be given in a number of ways.

  1. By setting up a Standing Order through your Bank using our bank details
  • Account Name: Educate the Orphans
  • Account Number: 09706034
  • Sort Code: 98-00-30
  • IBAN: GB96ULSB98003009706034

2. Online through Just Giving


If the Lord is leading you to become practically involved using your skills or gifts, please discuss this with us.


We promise that any sponsorship money given to us to improve the position of the children sponsored will be used for this purpose.

For more information, sponsorship forms or to arrange a speaker, please contact us at:


Can't find any other words to say it,

ETO Dinner party In Campbell College, Over £11000 raised, to build three new classrooms, at Muguna-anna Education Centre!

Thanks to all those volunteers who worked so hard to make the evening such a success!

Thanks! to the College for letting us use their facilities, also to all those who attended, with a special thanks going to Marie Lacy and the choir, B.C.G.C, for entertaining us.

Now what about you? What can you do for ETO?

You could help us to change the lives of orphan children:

  • You could have a coffee and cake, bring and buy morning!
  • You could have a clear out and boot sale!
  • You could do a sponsored cycle ride, a sponsored swim, sponsored walk, or even a sponsored parachute jump, if you're crazy enough! YOU COULD, BUT NOT ME, I AIN'T THAT MAD!!!

No matter what you do every little bit helps, to show the practical "LOVE of GOD"to some of the most needy children on the planet!

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  • Giving

  • You can help support ETO in a number of ways.

  • 1.  You can make donations via your bank by setting up a Standing Order

    • Account Name:  Educate the Orphans
    • Account Number: 09706034
    • Sort Code: 98-00-30
    • IBAN: GB96ULSB98003009706034
  • 2.  You can give cash donations via JustGiving.

  • Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date with what GOD is doing within ETO

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  • About ETO

    ETO are a registered charity.
    NI Charity no. 102736.

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    by Blackdog Media