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Our Famine Relief program is a ongoing project due to the Kenyan peoples continuing need for famine relief.

Traditionally the Kenyan people rely on the rain they receive from 2 rainy seasons, however over the last few years (2014-2019) there has been little to no rain. This resulted in the Kenyan government declaring a national drought emergency in 2017. The lack of rain over this period has had a devastating effect on the Kenyan people resulting in famine across much of Kenya.

As a result food Inflation has also been a major challenge. This bag of Maize would have cost 14p in 2015. Today (in 2019) it would cost over 70p, an increase of 500%.

2019 ETO Famine Relief Programme

In Feb/March 2019 an ETO team continue our promise to provide relief food to over 200 starving elderly Kenyan people.

ETO famine relief programme in action.

Famine Relief 2019 - Video 1

Famine Relief 2019 - Video 2

2017/18 ETO Famine Relief Programme

In 2017 ETO held a special fundraising coffee morning at 'Christian Fellowship Church' and including generous donations received from ETO friends in Donegal £16,500 was raised which enabled ETO to purchase over 1.1 tons of food to help feed the the many hundreds of starving and forgotten old people at Tharaka, Kenya, "the least of the least".

An ETO team of volunteers travelled to Kenya as part of one of our Food Distribution projects.

Peter Jordan, John Lander, Michael Pedan,
Denise Gill, May Smyth, Bobby, Grace Koch

Relief food distribution to starving peoples

Matt 25:35.NIV; “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”

Children enjoying food

Sharing the food with many people, obeying the words of Jesus

Mark 6:37.NIV, “But he answered, "You give them something to eat."

The photos below show the feeding of a mentally handicapped woman and her three blind children - A paediatrician from Bangor, Co. Down advised that 1 egg per day could have saved their sight!

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