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The Educate the Orphans Family

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The Educate the Orphans Family
What God has made possible through
our Generous ETO Sponsors 
Established and Registered 1990

Number of ETO Children sponsored:

Approximately  1000
Schools Established:
  • Kaguma Primary
  • Mugunna-Anna Boarding Primary
  • Mugunna-Anna Boarding Secondary + Agriculture Poly
  • Mitugunni Primary
  • Karaani Primary
  • Kipsing / Ngaramara Primary
  • Kamthakammi Primary
  • Ntugi Primary
We also have many ETO children at other Government run schools:

Thousands of non-sponsored children have received free education and feeding for over thirty years
ETO Pastors Association and Churches:
  • Approx 180 Pastors
  • Several thousand church members
Water treatment plant
  • Clean water for over 40,000 - 50,000 people
6 Acre Shamba (Farm) / Teaching Farming Gods Way and production of food crops in:
  • Horticulture and Agriculture
  • Bee Keeping
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Food Products 
Maternity Clinic
  • 10 Maternity Beds
  • Staffed by ETO Educated / Trained Staff / Children
Relief Food Programs for starving old people and children during the many famine and drought periods.

House building for destitute families.

Over 200 University Graduates 
Success Stories - Jobs some of our grown up children have obtained:
  • Deputy Governor Tharaka County
  • Chief Financial Officer Tharaka County
  • Chief Electoral Officer Kenya Government
  • Doctors, Dentist, Nurse’s
  • Bank Managers
  • Lawyers, Solicitors
  • Lecturers, Teachers
  • Police Officers, Military Personnel
  • Businessmen/women, Shoemakers, Dressmakers
  • Pastors

Mutrii Mwari was an Educate the Orphans sponsored child. 

Hear from him how ETO helped give him a future 

Purity Kathomi was an Educate the Orphans sponsored child. 

Hear from her how ETO changed her life 
Tharaka tribe changed forever by Gods Love, from all manner of Demonic worship including war, witchcraft, child circumcision and child brides!

An ancient Tribal prophecy fulfilled...!!!  “A man the colour of meat”   
We have seen many make a commitment to Jesus Christ and become Christians

Many thousands hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


And thanks to all ETO sponsors, volunteers and friends!

This is NOT the work of any man for
“what is impossible for people is possible with God.”
Luke 18 v27

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  • Giving

  • You can help support ETO in a number of ways.

  • 1.  You can make donations via your bank by setting up a Standing Order

    • Account Name:  Educate the Orphans
    • Account Number: 09706034
    • Sort Code: 98-00-30
    • IBAN: GB96ULSB98003009706034
  • 2.  You can give cash donations via JustGiving.

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  • About ETO

    ETO are a registered charity.
    NI Charity no. 102736.

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