Educate the Orphans: January 2025 Update

Educate the Orphans: January 2025 Update


Dear ETO supporter.

Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in sending out this post.  It has been far too long since I last provided you with an update.  I have a lot to update you on, but before I do, I would like to thank all of our supporters and sponsors for their support and prayers throughout 2024.

Thanks to your support last year ETO was able to send over £90,000 out to Kenya for our work.  This money allowed us to 
  • pay the school fees to educate the needy and orphaned children God has placed in our care.
  • to provide food for these children, as well as some other very needy children living close to our sites
  • to build an additional rescue centre at our school site in Muguna Anna, that will allow us to provide safe shelter and support to an additional 32 children that were rescued from abuse, rape and early marriage etc.
  • to furnish the rescue centre with 32 Beds and mattresses for the children being housed there.
  • to supply food aid for elderly and vulnerable people.
  • to build a gravity fed water pump for the children living in the Iterguru children's home.
We also give thanks to God for another year of His provision.
A small team of ETO volunteers travelled out to Kenya at the start of November 2024.  During this trip the team experienced many blessings.  They also witnessed many of the challenges facing the Kenyan people.  I would like to share some of these with you.
The first full day we had in Kenya (after travelling), was a Sunday so we attended church at Muguna Anna school.
After the service, we walked to the new rescue centre to give thanks to God for the building and to dedicate it to His purpose.

Once again ETO would like to say a massive thank you to Bethel Church, Letterkenny and the other sponsors who contributed to this project.  Our thanks also go to Bishop John Yeaga for leading this dedication service which you can listen to below.

The rescue centre is already full to capacity, proving housing, support and a safe place to an additional 32 needy children.  Please continue to pray for them. 
Rescue Centre dedication
After the dedication we were able to meet some of our sponsored children, and hear a little bit of their story.  One of the children we met was Christopher. 

Christopher is an orphan who Livingstone found when he was just 2 years old walking naked along a road.  He is now in the care of ETO and one of our sponsored children enrolled in Muguna Anna school. 

It only through your support, that children like Christopher can be given Hope. 
We thank God that He brought Christopher and our other children to us, so we could provide for them.  Please continue to pray for all our sponsored children
On another day of the teams trip

We were traveling on the way back to Kaguma when we stopped off at the home of a blind man and his wife.  Earlier that day Livingstone had hoisted a bed frame to top of the ETO vehicle that we were now going to deliver to this couple. 

When we arrived we were told how this Blind Man and his wife had been providing a home for 6 children (4 boys and 2 girls) whose parents had abandoned them.  The children were poor, hungry and not having any money couldnt afford to go to school.  They didn't even have enough room to sleep, and had been building themselves a bed frame from sticks.  These children needed help.  They needed our help.
When the team arrived home, we carried with us a burden.  A burden that the trip had placed on us. How do we help these children.  While we were discussing what we would do, we were reminded of our calling, 'to look after widows and orphans...'.  This was what God had called us to do

So, even though the finance for these children wasnt/isn't in place.  We contacted Livingstone and asked him to organise getting these children admitted to our school, and to arrange to buy uniforms for them.  Immediately he phoned Bobby.  Christopher it materialised had just been talking to him telling him the same thing.  Isn't God's timing really awesome.  We therefore agreed any additional money God provided, not earmarked for another project would go to support these children.  
Another challenging day for the team was a trip visiting the 36 children living at the Iterguru children's home, were the youngest child was just 2 years old, having arrived, after it was discovered he was being abused by his father (who was arrested and subsequently jailed).

When asking what we could do to for these children we were told, one of the major challenges they faced was access to clean water as currently they had to fill containers at a local water source and then carry the heavy load back to the children's home.  A water pump would help ease this burden.

God had placed this project on the heart of one of our team, so that shortly after our trip they had already provided the money for this project. 

The pipes for the new pump have already arrived on site and the pump is now 80% completed.  
Thanksgiving Service at Muguna Anna

At the start of the school term, on Thursday 16th January Muguna Anna school held a thanksgiving service in the Church/Dining hall.  It was reported to us that this service was so well attended that the dining hall was full to the capacity, with many having to sit outside.

Watch a short video of the Thanksgiving Service.
Bobby Moffett's interview on NVTV

Educate the Orphans founder, Bobby Moffett was interviewed by NVTV about his life, including how God used him in the creation Educate the Orphans.  If you missed his interview you can listen to it be clicking on the link below.

Listen to Bobby Moffett's interview with Debbie McGrory on NVTV
If you would like to find out more about ETO please visit our website:
Please feel free to share this post with your friends.  Doing so helps us to tell more people about the work God is doing through ETO.
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