ETO Update: June 2022



Update - June 2022
Once again God turned up trumps, with ETO coffee morning being a fantastic success!

We would like to thank all our friends and supporters for their wonderful generosity. We also want to thank all the fantastic ladies (and men) who so graciously gave up their Saturday morning in support of the trafficked kids in Tumaini rescue house, Kenya. God bless you all for your tireless work!!!!!! We don't have words to express our gratitude, but God knows!

"For me one of the most amazing things of the day was the fellowship, friendship and wonderful way we did church and showed Gods love to all who participated Mungu Aka-barariki"
. Bobby.

Also a Big thank you to everyone who donated after the event.  The total raised is now £12,750 (including the gift aided donations).  

Update on the legal situation regarding the Trafficked children:   
We are still in negations with the Kenyan Government to incorporate these 30 children into the work of ETO.  Our Pastor and Staff are continuing to cater for their needs in the meantime.
These are three of the children who had been sold by their mothers to traffickers in order to buy food for their remaining children. 

The MAMA was also rescued from a husband who was trying to poison her so that he could have another woman.  She now volunteers her time working in the Tumaini rescue house looking after the other children.

If you missed out and would still like to donate you can do so via the Just Giving link below
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Boy trying to pay for his Education

There is no free education system in Kenya.   The harsh reality is that if you or your family can't pay the required school fees you won't receive an education. 

This young boy who escaped from the tribal wars (photo below) arrived at our school in Maguna-Anna with the case of 52 hand made brooms which he had been trying to sell on the journey to pay for his school education.  Although he hadn't made enough to pay the school fees, ETO works differently than most of Kenyan Government schools so the young boy was admitted to our school.
Threat of Drought and Famine in Kenya.

A recent report by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies highlights the continuing harsh and life threatening situation across much of Kenya.    

'Like its neighbours in the horn of Africa, Kenya is experiencing extreme drought conditions and some 3.5 million people are facing severe hunger.

Following the failure of a third consecutive rainfall season in eastern and northern Kenya, most Arid- and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) are experiencing critical drought conditions. According to Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS Net), 3.5 million people are projected to be food insecure IPC (Integrated food security Phase Classification) and above, including over 360,000 people in IPC 4 (Emergency).

With rains, less than 60% of the 40-year average across most of Kenya, widespread livestock deaths, minimal livestock productivity, very low cropping levels, and sharp declines in purchasing power are creating large food consumption gaps and high levels of acute malnutrition.

The deterioration of food insecurity is attributed to multiple shocks, including dry spells from three consecutive poor seasonal rainfall performances (all below the five-year average), below-average crop and livestock production, localised resource-based conflict, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with this are a fuel crisis linked to the Ukraine war – which has been felt across Africa and the increase in fuel prices raises the price of all foodstuffs. Ukraine has also captured much of the world's attention and resources.

The current drought is already historic in its length and severity. Long-range forecast models are now predicting an elevated likelihood of yet another (the fifth) below average rain season for October – December “short rains”, setting the stage for an unprecedented five-season drought, which will further increase the severity and escalated food needs into 2023.

You can read the full report on the website below.
Report: Kenya Hunger Crisis
New Farm (Shamba)

Due to this threat of ongoing drought and the continued lack of rain during the Kenyan rainy season, Livingstone travelled to Nairobi to try and purchase a water pump for the new farm. 

He has been warned that the dry spell will continue and therefore would like to capitalise on the use of the available water on the river for horticultural crops so we can grow as much of our own food as possible (with some success).  He has purchased Kale, Cabbage and Spinach seeds for growing on all ETO farms as these crops will be of great nutritional value to the children when they are ready for harvesting by mid August.

The cost of the water pump was 910,000 KES (around £625)

All our farms have been prepared for planting this month.
Water Treatment Plant

We are pleased to announce that the Kenyan Government has undertaken to increase the amount of water going through our treatment plant to service the huge demands for water in Tharaka, serving approx. 60,000 people. 
Maternity Hospital Unit

The maternity unit is still providing much needed medical services to the pregnant women and babies after ETO handed it over to the Kenyan Government to run.  

The Government have also added some additional facilities improving the life expectancy of the mothers and babies in the local area.  
Rescue House

Livingstone has described the Rea Rescue Centre as a 'God given miracle, assisting the young girls who have been abused, and in some cases impregnated by friends or family members'.

Some of the girls mothers are living on the premises looking after the babies as the young girls continue with their education and studies.
Other News

Livingstone has been promised 3 bags of rice from the Kenyan ministry of interior and coordination.

The ETO Land-Rover has now been repaired and is able to be used again for delivering food aid to our Schools and the needy, orphaned children.
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    • Account Name:  Educate the Orphans
    • Account Number: 09706034
    • Sort Code: 98-00-30
    • IBAN: GB96ULSB98003009706034
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