ETO Coronavirus Update



ETO Coronavirus Update
Dear ETO Supporter,

We want to update you on the situation with our children in Kaguma RE:  Coronavirus

The Coronavirius has affected Kenya as with much of the rest of the world, with approx 1000 - 1500 people  been given a positve diagnoses.  Thankfully none of our staff or children have yet been diagnosed with the virus.

The country is under curfew with all schools including those run by ETO being closed by the government.  ETO staff are still being employed (as there is no furlough scheme in kenya) and are now involved with looking after our orphan children at their homes or in our school dining areas ensuring that they get at least one meal per day.  

Social distancing is in place across Kenya and we have heard report of those in breach of this being beaten with sticks or if caught several times under threat of being sent to prison.

Thanks to all our sponosors we are still able to buy food for the children.  We are having to bring food in from Uganda after the recent locust plagues devastated all the food crops on our ETO farm.  Some of our teachers are working on the farm teaching our 6th Formers how to replant and grow their own foods.  

Again we would like to thank all those who continue to give monthly and those who give anomously during these desperate times.  We couldn't do it without your help


Thank you from everyone at
Educate the Orphans

Matthew 25:35
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink"



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