ETO Appeal and Update



Dear ETO Supporter.

Before I begin to update you on the current situation in Kenya could I ask that you take a moment to give thanks and praise to GOD for HIS continued faithfulness and blessing to the work of ETO throughout 2020. 

2021 it appears will be even more challenging.  We will therefore continue to lean and trust in HIM....

Just this week ETO received an alarming report from our Kenyan ETO Director, Livingstone regarding food cost and the situation in Kenya. 

He reported, 
  • The only place food is still available in Kenya is in the Rift valley, hundreds of miles from Tharaka (where ETO is based), and that the prices for some products are doubling every 1 or 2 weeks
  • The Kenyan government are insisting that all children should go back to schools even though there is nothing for them to eat.  The schools are then sending them away because they can’t feed them! So many children come to ETO Schools begging for food.
  • Over 500 very young girls in Tharaka have become pregnant from using their bodies to try to get food, but the men just use them then throw them out.
  • There has been a large rise in the number of young Girls opting for marriage, thinking that this is a way out, some of them as young as fourteen years old, but then they find the men have nothing to give them!
  • ETO Kenya have now recorded our first Covid-19 victims with a number sent home to isolate or get treatment if they can.  We have been instructed by the Government to remove any children from the school with covid symptoms such as persistent coughs and high temperatures etc.
  • ETO is currently selling some of our livestock etc to raise funding as the problems get bigger.

Can I please ask that all our friends and sponsors of ETO pray for this harrowing situation and share with their friends on media outlets, such as email, Facebook etc.  If we can do our bit GOD will do his...

We are also planning to send some money this week so that ETO can purchase and distribute food to those in need. 

If you would like to contribute to this, you can send a donation online using the below link or contact us on (and well send you our bank transfer details).  

As always thank you for your continued support.

ETO Team
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Jeremiah 17:7-8

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes;  its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

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